HD8G Dx-Pedition starts today!!!

2025 Galapagos Dx-Pedition


Grid: EI49UF
IOTA: SA - 004

WWFF: HCFF - 004

Grid Locator: EI49UF

Coordinates: 0° 45′ 16” S – 90° 18′ 38” W
IOTA: SA – 004                                     WWFF: HCFF – 004
25 ham radio operators will activate Galapagos from Apr 18th to 26th, 2025. The team is formed by E70A, HC5F, HC5RF, HC5VF, K3NQ, N6JRL, N6PSE, PY2BS, PY2DV, PY2MC, PY2PT, PY2WAS, PY5EG, PY5HSD, PY5KD, PY6HD, PY6RT, PR7AB, PS8RV, PV8DX, R7KW, WD5COV, YL1ZF, YL2KL and YT1AD. Our official advisors are NE8Z / HC1MD – Rick and OK1BOA – Petr.
There will be 8 work stations (1 work station dedicated to satellites, 1 work station dedicated to EME and 1 work station dedicated to 6m, 24h) shared in 2 different sites located at Santa Cruz Island: Site 1: Hotel Sol y Mar and Site 2: Steve’s Chalets.
We have the support of Araucaria DX GroupGuara DX GroupMediterraneo DX Club and LABRE (Brazilian Amateur Ham Radio League).
As regards ham radio related companies, we are sponsored by ACOMDiex AntennasDS AntenasKV AntennasHertz AntenasAntena KitMHZ AntenasHam PlusTorres Ouro FinoRadioEngeRadioHaus and Titanex.

This Dx-Pedition is sponsored by a wide number of sponsors. In special, ACOM, the linear amps manufacturer, is our main sponsor and we deeply thank ACOM for all the support:

Our additional sponsors are equally welcome and made possible this serious dx-pedition:

The following ham radio associations supported this Dx-Pedition:

We are proud to inform you that we support and will participate in the best dx-pedition in 2025 choice at

Tim M0URX – QSL Manager

HD8G OQRS – click HERE!!!

OQRS just after Dxpedition:

Direct QSL card + LOTW (up to 15 days after dx-pedition): US$ 6.50 or EUR 6.30

LOTW Express (up to 15 days after dx-pedition): US$ 2.50 or EUR 2.43

Bureau (more than a year): free

Please, use the OQRS system to request your QSL. DO NOT send your QSL card direct or via bureau and for any information about missing calls/busted calls and not in the log use the “Not in the log”button.

Please, only online requests and log check (no emails).

Please, don’t send email for team members about log and confirmation (only OQRS system).

Please, don’t send questions about log to our general email.

QSOs will be uploaded to LOTW 12 months after the end of this dx-pedition.

In exceptional basis, QSL mailed to our manager M0URX:

US$ 6.50 or 6.50 Euro (paper QSL + LOTW) – only HD8G requests

Tim Beaumont M0URX
83 Limbrick Avenue
Tile Hill
Coventry West Midlands

Please include a Self-Addressed Envelope
NO coins of any country
NO postage stamps accepted

Confirmation requests received with insufficient funds will be returned via Bureau, no exceptions.

Those resources will be used to cover the QSL and Log check services and offset a few dx-pedition costs.

HD8G - Location - Santa Cruz Island
HD8G - Location - Santa Cruz Island

Charles Darwin’s voyage to the Galapagos Islands was a pivotal part of his journey aboard the HMS Beagle, which ultimately influenced his groundbreaking work on the theory of evolution. Here are some detailed highlights of his expedition:

Darwin’s experiences and collections from the Galapagos and other parts of the voyage were instrumental in the development of his theory of natural selection, which he later published in his famous work, “On the Origin of Species”. The Galapagos Islands, with their diverse and unique ecosystems, provided Darwin with a living laboratory to observe and formulate his ideas on evolution and natural selection1.

You may contact us sending your e-mail to [email protected] .

Please, bear in mind that any detail related to QSOs, missed QSOs, QSLs and log related issues must be addressed to Tim, M0URX.


We kindly accept donations or sponsorships of companies and ham associations to help to reduce the high costs of this dx-pedition. PLEASE, CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW AND SEND US AN E-MAIL.



If you sponsor this HD8G dx-pedition with a value equal or higher than US$ 10.00 (ten American dollars), you will be benefited with the shipping of the QSL card and QSOs uploaded to LOTW immediately after the end of the dx-pedition (no longer than 2 weeks). IF YOU DECIDE TO DO IT, PLEASE CLICK THE DONATION BUTTON BELOW, BUT DO NOT FORGET TO SEND AN E-MAIL TO [email protected], WITH YOUR NAME, CALL SIGN, E-MAIL, ADDRESS, DONATION VALUE, DATE AND ANY COMMENT, IF YOU WISH. WITHOUT THIS E-MAIL WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SET UP YOU AT THE PRIORITY QSL AND LOTW LIST.

All revenues will be used to offset logistics to Galapagos.

All donors and sponsors (individuals, ham associations or companies) will be listed in this website to guarantee full transparency, unless there is a written request to not be listed.

Our team is delighted with the response of the ham community to make this dx-pedition a milestone in Galapagos. A small support from you is a big incentive and aid for all of us, as we may enhance the stations set-up to be taken to the island. The entire HD8G team thanks each of you for your confidence in a great dx-pedition!!!

List of Donors - Ham Radio Associations

1. Araucaria DX Group

2. LABRE – Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Rádio Emissão

List of Individual Sponsors

All call signs and names will be listed below. If some call sign is missed, the name of the sponsor will be issued and we will do our best to identify his / her call sign. The order will be descending based on the value:

US$ 100.00 OR HIGHER

1. CT1FCX – Pedro Ferreira

2. W9MDB – Michael Black

3. N4LZ – Maurice L. Schietecatte

4. N9PN – Timothy Pierce

5. K6FG – Mark Weiss

BETWEEN US$ 20.00 AND US$ 99.99

1. K0MD – Scott Wright

2. N5DD – Donald Daze

3. Pat Chambers

4. NR5R – Noel Lopes

5. K6VWE – Stanford Rowe

6. WB9HBH – Steve Smith

7. K3SX – Sydney Shusterman

8. William Salyers

9. N7WS – Wes Stuart

10. K8DP – Doug Papay

UP TO US$ 19.99

1. PY2KP – Claudio Gimenez

2. WA1SXK – Eric Spero

3. KD5R – Alan Riley

4. John Simmons

5. Marty Paulson

6. WA7CPA – Robin Amundson

7. K1CP – Clif Power

8. DD1SB – Stefan Biermann

9. WA5MD – Tim Brannon

10. NU1B – Stephen Claar

11. ON4MGY – Nicolas Senave

The Paypal button for donations is available below.

Order your polo shirt and support the HD8G Dx-pedition
Unitary Price: US$ 16.00 + Shipping Costs

Order your cap and support the HD8G Dx-pedition
Unitary Price: US$ 7.00 + Shipping Costs

Order your t-shirt and support the HD8G Dx-pedition
Unitary Price: US$ 10.00 + Shipping Costs

Order your mug and support the HD8G Dx-pedition
Unitary Price: US$ 10.00 + Shipping Costs

You can order your HD8G item, by sending an e-mail to PR7AB – Junior at [email protected] and clicking the Paypal button at “Shirts, Caps & Mugs for Sale” tabBEFORE ORDERING YOUR SOUVENIRS, CHECK THE SHIPPING COSTS E-MAILING [email protected] FIRSTLY. We advance the information that the Mail Post charges us US$ 27.00 in general up to 1kg… no matter if it is 100g or 1000g (1kg). So, bear in mind that you may order more than one item and the shipping cost will be US$ 27.00 if their total weight is up to 1kg. Book now your souvenirs, which willl be available up to the end of the stock!

PS: In case of QRM, QRN or any other obstacle, we may slightly move up or down the transmission (TX) frequency displayed in the above band map.


Press Release #12 (March, 27th, 2025)

Dear colleagues,

It is with great sadness that we announce the departure of VU2RS – Sara, who will not be able to join us because of personal issues. We thank Sara for his participation so far and wish him all the best. 73, 

2025 Galapagos Dx-pedition Team

Press Release #11 (February, 9th, 2025)

Dear colleagues,

It is with great sadness that we announce the departure of HC5EP – Esteban, PY5CC – Peter and PY7XC – Jim, for different reasons. We thank them for being with us until this point during this journey and wish them all the best in their future endeavors.

On the other hand, we welcome YL1ZF – Kaspars Uztics, N6JRL – Don Dubon and E70A – Darko Rusman who will certainly add significant value to the HD8G team.

Said that, we confirm that HD8G will be in the air from April 18 to 26, 2025. There will be 26 amateur radio operators from Ecuador, Brazil, Bosnia & Herzegovina, India, Latvia, Serbia, USA and Russia managing 8 stations in two locations on Santa Cruz Island, with 1 station dedicated to satellites, 1 station dedicated to EME and 1 station dedicated to 6m. Our bootcamp for checking systems and equipment is scheduled for February 22nd and 23rd, 2025.

We have received great support from ACOM – one of the world’s largest manufacturers of linear RF amplifiers and other great manufacturers such as Diex Antennas, DS Antennas, Hamplus, MHZ Antennas, KV Antennas, RadioHaus, Antenna Kit, Hertz Antennas, Torres Ouro Fino, RadioEnge and Titanex.

Our challenges are increasingly greater to cover the costs of extra baggage, to be able to provide 5 stations operating 24 hours a day in the HF bands and 3 dedicated stations (6m, satellites and EME).

Therefore, we kindly encourage fellow radio amateurs to help us with one of these alternatives: (i) become an individual sponsor of this dx-pedition with US$ 10.00 paying through our website, and you will have immediate confirmation of the LOTW and QSL on paper addressed to you on the first shipment or (ii) order one of our HD8G souvenirs (t-shirts, caps and mugs) posted on our website, but checking the shipping costs in advance or (iii) visit our sponsors’ websites by clicking on their logo on our website

In addition to quickly securing your QSOs on LOTW and your QSL on paper, your US$10.00 will enable 9 days of great fun, hunting HD8G on all bands and in the most diverse modes.


Galapagos Dx-pedition Team 2025

Press Release #10 (January, 26th, 2025)

Dear colleagues,

We proudly confirm that HD8G team was empowered by arrival of 4 great colleagues, ham radio giants: Girts – YL2KL, Paul – N6PSE, Bruce – K3NQ and Dave – WD5COV. We are increasingly confident that it will be an unforgettable experience to all ham radio community. 73, 2025 Galapagos DX-pedition Team

Press Release #9 (January, 19th, 2025)

Dear colleagues,

We proudly confirm a robust international dx-pedition to Galapagos Islands in 2025. HD8G will be in the air from Apr 18th, 2025 to Apr 26th, 2025. There will be 22 ham ops from Ecuador, Brazil, India, Serbia and Russia managing 8 stations in two sites at Santa Cruz island with 1 station dedicated to satellites, 1 station dedicated to EME and 1 station dedicated to 6m. Our official advisors are NE8Z – Rick and OK1BOA – Petr. This project was launched 1 year ago.

We received a great support from ACOM – one of the world’s leading manufacturers of RF linear amplifiers and other manufacturers from Brazil, such as Diex Antennas, DS Antenas, Hamplus, MHZ Antennas, KV Antenas, RadioHaus, Antena Kit and Hertz Antenas.

Our challenges are higher everyday to burden costs. The air companies increased prices in around 100% if considering prices charged last year, including extra-baggages.

Therefore, we kindly ask the ham radio colleagues to help us with one of this alternatives: (i) to be an individual sponsor of this dx-pedition with US$ 10.00 by paying it through our website, and you will have immediate LOTW confirmation and paper QSL addressed to you in the first shipping or (ii) to order one of our HD8G souvenirs (shirts, caps and mugs) posted in our website, but checking shipping costs in advance or (iii) to visit the websites of our sponsors by clicking their logo at our website By doing it, you will help us a lot to retribute with a great dx-pedition, many contacts in different bands and modes and quick confirmation at LOTW and paper QSL card.

Ham radio associations and companies are invited to visit our HD8G website and if you may contribute with any donation or material support to this team to perform a great dx-pedition, we thank you in advance for making it come true.


2025 Galapagos Dx-pedition Team

Press Release # 8 (October, 24th, 2024)

We regret to announce that 2 colleagues – PY2EL – Ricardo and PY4RGS – Rafael, were forced to leave the team, because of business and familiar reasons, respectively. We thank Ricardo and Rafael for all the support so far and wish them all the best. From now on, the team will move further with 22 ops and 8 stations, shared in 2 sites located at Santa Cruz Island: 1) Hotel Sol y Mar and 2) Steve Devine’s Challets. 73, 2025 Galapagos Dx-pedition Team

Press Release # 7 (September, 24th, 2024)

We are pleased to announce that our call sign license was issued by Arcotel (Ecuador Telecommunications Authority) through the excellent advocacy efforts of HC5VF – Fausto. In addition, another great news is related to the number of stations. Although the team did not consider remote stations, there will be 10 stations running and granting more QSO chances to colleagues all over the world. 73, 2025 Galapagos Dx-pedition Team

Press Release # 6 (July, 15th, 2024)

We are pleased to announce that one of the most prestigious EME ops worldwide joined the team: PY2BS – Bruce Halasz. Bruce is an electric and electronic engineer, a very friendly colleague and will add significant value to the entire team. Bruce has already informed that the week is not the best one for EME and we are now discussing the alternatives we have to compensate it. Therefore, the team has now 24 operators. In addition, the team decided to be split in 2 sites: Steve Devine’s chalets and Hotel Sol y Mar, both of them located at Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. While 10 ops will be hosted at Steve Devine’s chalets, other 10 ops will be hosted at Hotel Sol y Mar. The other 4 ops will be hosted at Hotel Seymour, although 8 work stations and antennas will be split between Steve Devine’s chalets and Hotel Sol y Mar. 73, 2025 Galapagos Dx-pedition Team

Press Release # 5 (July, 3rd, 2024)

Unluckly, PY3MM – Miguel and PY8WW – Renato left the team by professional reasons. On the other hand, we are pleased to announce that R7KW – Serge Shalya joined the team and he will be especially fostering the CW skills of the team. 73, 2025 Galapagos Dx-Pedition Team

Press Release # 4 (June, 24th, 2024)

We are pleased to announce that PY5EG – Atilano Oms joined the team. He is the 24th member and will be a co-leader contributing with his solid experience with the entire team. He will definitely add value to this dx-pedition and renew our energy and enthusiasm towards our targets in Galapagos. 73, 2025 Galapagos Dx-pedition Team

Press Release # 3 (June 12th, 2024)

We have 2 reasons to be happy today.  First of all, our colleague PY8WW – Renato was able to negotiate in his company the conflict of dates and rejoined the team as an active member to launch HD8G in Apr/2025. In addition, we announce 3 new members from Ecuador: HC5EP – Esteban, HC5F – Francisco and HC5RF – Ruben. We welcome all of them and they will certainly add value to the team. Finally, our member PS8RV is the WWFF representative in Brazil, and he reminds all of us that QSOs with HD8G will count for the WWFF awards as HCFF-0004. Valid operations for WWFF may be looked at 73, 2025 Galapagos Dx-pedition Team

Press Release # 2 (June 7th, 2024)

We are pleased to announce that HC5VF – Fausto and YT1AD – Hrane joined the team. On the other hand, unfortunately, PY8WW – Renato had to leave the team because of work conflict next year. Now, we are 19 ops and we move foward towards a great dx-pedition in 2025. 73, 2025 Galapagos Dx-pedition Team

Press Release # 1 (May 20th, 2024)

2025 Galapagos Dx-Pedition

We are honored to announce a dx-pedition to Galapagos Islands from Apr 18th to 27th, 2025. Although we are still discussing the number of stations, we may confirm that there will be 17 ops from Brazil and 1 op from India. We wish to work all bands from 6m to 160m + satellite (although we will be on the edge), as well as SSB, CW, RTTY, FT8 and FT4. We face many obstacles, such as accommodation for all the team, considering that Galapagos has a wide number of hotels, but with a few number of rooms. We would appreciate to thank all the valuable tips provided by WB2REM – Jim and EA5RM – Tony. In addition, we would like to clarify that this dx-pedition could not advance so quickly without the kindness and efforts by our advisors NE8Z / HC1MD – Rick, who has been providing us all logistics support to enable our operation in the island and OK1BOA – Petr, who has just returned from A8OK and has been sharing with us the good practices from the amazing czech team performance. Our definitive call sign and additional details. We intend to make available clublog livestream and our website will be launched in the following days. 73, 2025 Galapagos Dx-Pedition Team